Profile image of Dazzmen  Davis

Dazzmen Davis(She/Her/Hers)

Licensed Mental Health Counselor, LMHC
North Carolina
Anxiety -Burnout-Worry- Stress management-Personal Wellness -Life coaching-

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Professional statement

Dear Black Woman,

Do you feel like you’re reaching your breaking point? Take off the mask! The mask that tells people that you’re okay when you’re not! It’s time for you to live authentically and unapologetically.

You matter! Your feelings and emotions are valid, even if others around you disagree. You are not crazy. You are not overthinking. You are not too sensitive or too aggressive. You’re a human being who’s trying to make it for yourself and those around you. In doing this, carrying loads of stress becomes our norm until we can't take it anymore. Unfortunately, unresolved stress develops into mental health disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and more. Not only does stress impact you mentally it impacts your physical health.

We believe in seeing you as a whole, which means understanding and exploring all parts of you (mental, emotional, social, occupational, etc). Integrative practices (mental health counseling, wellness counseling, and life coaching) are used to assist us with properly understanding and exploring your needs. Strength-based practices are at the forefront of services, as we want Black women to see and be aware of what they possess versus what they lack. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is also used to help Black women understand how their thoughts (positive or negative) impact their feelings and behaviors.

The Adulting Space, PLLC is a Black-owned mental health practice specializing in stress management for Black Women. Through telehealth, we provide safe spaces for healing, wellness, individualized counseling, and life coaching amongst Black women ages 18 and older. We encourage you to reach out to us! No longer continue to suffer in silence! We hear you, see you, and want to support you!

Work and Education

Years of Experience: 5 years

The Adulting Space, PLLC, Lead Counselor and Practice Owner

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State Univeristy , Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling (Clinical), 2019
Winston - Salem State Univeristy, Bachelors of Arts in Psychology , 2015


North Carolina: 15072 - Wisconsin: 10726 - 125




Anxiety - Coping with excessive worry, nervousness, or stress; intense discomfort in social settings (social anxiety); sudden and intense feelings of panic (panic disorder)

Burnout - Managing and recovering from stressors that lead to feelings of decreased motivation and disconnection from the self; practicing effective self-care and finding ways to relax both physically and mentally

Worry - Learning how worry shows up in one’s life and exploring how worry impacts daily life, relationships, and wellbeing; developing coping skills to mitigate the impacts of worry

Stress management - Strengthening effective ways of coping with the stress of life and change; managing expectations of self and others

Personal Wellness - Person wellness is the idea of caring for yourself and maintaining an overall state of happiness and balanced senses of well-being. The act of maintaining your well-being is often referred to as “Self-Care,” yet we view this concept as “Self-Wellness.”

Life coaching - Identifying intentions and implementing strategies to build resilience and work towards one’s personal, health, or career goals


  • Adults (24+)
  • Young adults (18-24)
  • Loveland Therapy Fund Clients

Locations & Hours


  • Aetna
  • Cigna
  • Oscar Health
  • Oxford Health Plans
  • UMR
  • United Healthcare

Out-of-pocket fees

  • Individual sessions:$150 (55min)
  • Initial session:$200 (75min)