Profile image of Julia  King

Julia King

Psychologist, PsyD
KentuckyNew JerseyNew York
Anxiety-Body image-Emotional eating-Somatic complaints-Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)-

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Professional statement

Dr. Julia King is a psychologist and yoga teacher who sees clients throughout New York and New Jersey remotely for telehealth sessions.

Julia takes an integrated, mind-body approach to treatment. She specializes in working with people whose lives have been hijacked and limited by anxiety. When her clients come to her, they are flat out fed up with being afraid of their own future, with doubting themselves, and with acting out of fear rather than from a place of curiosity and excitement. So, her clients come to her motivated for action and ready to work.

And, Julia does not disappoint.  She is an action-oriented, practical, skills-based therapist.  She provides education. She wants her clients to understand why they feel the way they do, what is contributing to their distress, and what is happening in their brains when they feel anxious.  Julia uses that information to empower; her clients feel less afraid — and more equipped to tackle what she’s suggested they do to feel better — when they understand what is going.

Often, Julia’s clients get better and no longer need regularly scheduled sessions.  How do they get there? Julia provides strategies for them to practice, which address the unique triggers and landscape of their experience of anxiety. And, they do their homework between sessions and they work really hard. Overcoming anxiety is very much about learning how to handle discomfort and to confronting the things that are scary and uncomfortable.  And how do they learn to handle discomfort? By voluntarily choosing to be uncomfortable and then practicing new skills to navigate it better… over and over and over again, with loads of support, guidance, and encouragement.

Julia’s clients who feel better continue to experience anxiety-provoking situations. It’s not that they don’t experience challenging situations in the future. And it’s not that they’ve ‘cured’ their anxiety. But, they learn and develop the skills necessary to effectively navigate future challenges in order to reclaim their lives.

Message to clients

Anxiety has hijacked your life. You have a great life but you aren’t really present in it. You can’t really enjoy it.  You’re overwhelmed.  Although you know intellectually you shouldn’t be worried, you cannot make yourself believe there’s nothing to be afraid of, and, no matter how hard you try, you can’t stop thinking about it. Sometimes you’re betrayed by your body — your heart beats so hard, your breath gets shallow, and your stomach is in knots.  Sometimes you feel like you’re going crazy.

You would love to choose a life of freedom and confidence. Imagine a day in which you are free to choose your actions based on what excites you and what you’re curious about, rather than steering clear of what scares you. What would that life look like? What would you be able to do that you cannot do now? What would happen, how would your life change, if you were unleashed, and no longer limited?

You’re ready to move forward.  You’re ready for it to be different.  You can imagine a bigger, richer life.  And, you’re ready to work for it.

No matter the nature of the thing you fear, no matter the thing that holds you back, I can help.

Work and Education

Private Practice, Therapist
Shine Yoga Center, Cincinnati, OH, 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher
Private Practice , Forensic Psychologist
Forensic and Mental Health Services Inc., Hamilton, OH
University of Cincinnati's Institute for Psychiatry and the Law

Widener University, Chester, PA, Doctorate of Clinical Psychology (Psy.D), 2006
Widener University, Chester, PA, Master of Business Administration (MBA), 2006
Widener University, Chester, PA, Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology (M.A.), 2004
Wright State University, Dayton, OH, Bachelor of Science in Psychology (B.S.), 2000


New York: 023400 - New Jersey: 35SI00628800 - Kentucky: 130323




Anxiety - Coping with excessive worry, nervousness, or stress; intense discomfort in social settings (social anxiety); sudden and intense feelings of panic (panic disorder)

Body image - Development of skills for handling negative thoughts about physical appearance; building habits of more positive self-talk and self-perception

Emotional eating - Support around distorted body image and beliefs around food; counseling to reshape problematic behaviors and thought patterns; coping strategies for reducing or eliminating episodes of binge eating

Somatic complaints - Helping clients manage and mitigate physical complaints linked to maladaptive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) - Behavioral therapy that can help clients learn to better manage stress and anxiety, which may directly impact symptoms of IBS


  • Adults (24+)

Locations & Hours


Julia King is not in-network with any insurances.

Read about the benefits of seeing an out-of-network provider here.

Out-of-pocket fees

  • Individual sessions:$250 (45min)
  • Initial session:$350 (120min)

Additional session information

Out-of-network billing options

This provider can support you in getting reimbursement from your insurance company if you are seeking out-of-network reimbursement. Here are the out-of-network billing options they provide:

  • Super billing
Payment options
  • Credit Card
  • Debit Card
Session frequency

Frequency of sessions this provider offers to see clients once you are an established client.

  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Every other week
  • As needed